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What is a roll forming and what is a cold roll forming machine?

What is a roll forming and what is a cold roll forming machine?

Aug 29, 2024 by alef machinery

Rolling, also known as cold roll forming.
Cold roll forming is a new metal forming process and technology that saves materials, saves energy and has high output. Cold roll forming is to continuously bend metal materials such as metal coils and metal strips horizontally through multiple rows of sequentially configured rollers to produce metal products of a certain shape. For example, roof panels, wall panels, floor panels, etc.

Process characteristics: The cold roll forming machine extrude metal materials through multiple rows of continuous rollers to produce a certain deformation, so that the metal materials continuously enter the forming machine for forming. This forming process is efficient, high-yield and universal. The main advantages of this forming process are:

  1. The cost of metal raw materials is low, and less or even no waste is generated during the forming process, thereby reducing the total cost of materials.
  2. Products with complex shapes can be processed.
  3. The distortion and opening degree of the two ends of the profile are relatively small.
  4. Continuous work, continuous production, and high production efficiency.